Anti-epidemic safety certificate for kindergartens and nurseries

In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, bearing in mind the good of the youngest members of our society, we have prepared for the owners of nurseries and kindergartens and their managers an offer to obtain a Certificate of compliance with the anti-epidemic guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of November 19, 2020 for kindergartens, pre-school units in primary schools and other forms of pre-school education and care institutions for children up to 3 years of age (update V) with elements of the ISO / PAS 45005 Guidelines – Work Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
Our Certificate confirms that the above-mentioned guidelines by an independent certification body.








Do you want to demonstrate compliance with the above guidelines and reassure parents of children attending your facility that you are a safe place for their children?

Do you want to check whether the implemented anti-epidemic procedures are sufficient or require improvement?

Do you want to confirm the safety of your employees?

If you answered yes to at least one of the above questions, our offer is just for you.





If you decide to cooperate with our company:

  1. We will conduct a short interview on the anti-epidemic principles implemented in your facility
  2. We will prepare an assessment of your sanitary safety procedures
  3. We will share our observations and comments - of course, if there are any
  4. We will help you choose the right solutions
  5. In the event of a positive audit result, we will issue you with a certificate confirming compliance with the GIS anti-epidemic guidelines

What do you get?

  1. Independent and impartial evaluation by a specialized certification body
  2. Confirmation that the solutions prepared by you are in line with the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate
  3. Possibility to use the Safe Object sign and CeCert Approved
  4. Competitive advantage and an excellent marketing tool

Selected CeCert customers:

Do you have questions or concerns?

Contact us!